Disputed Claims

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12/19/2007      2007-HICIL-31 Scheduling Order
12/19/2007      2007-HICIL-30 Order
12/18/2007      2005-HICIL-14 Vernay Liquidator's Surreply in Opposition to CIC's Request for Evidentiary Hearing (FILED UNDER SEAL) UNDER SEAL
12/18/2007      2007-HICIL-32 Ruling on CIC's Motion to Participate
12/17/2007      2007-HICIL-33 Appearance for the Liquidator
12/14/2007      2007-HICIL-33 Notice of Disputed Claims
12/14/2007      2007-HICIL-32 Appearance by CIC
12/14/2007      2007-HICIL-32 Motion to Participate by CIC
12/14/2007      2007-HICIL-33 Claimants Objection
12/14/2007      2007-HICIL-31 Claimants submission
12/10/2007      2005-HICIL-14 Vernay CIC's Reply in Further Support of its Request for an Evidentiary Hearing (FILED UNDER SEAL) FILED UNDER SEAL
12/07/2007      2005-HICIL-14 CIC's Submission in Support of the PECO Environmental Claim with Exhibits A through I (FILED UNDER SEAL) UNDER SEAL
12/06/2007      2005-HICIL-14 Vernay Liquidator's Objection to CIC's Request for Evidentiary Hearing, including exhibits. (FILED UNDER SEAL) FILED UNDER SEAL
12/03/2007      2007-HICIL-32 Notice of appearance for the Liquidator
11/28/2007      2007-HICIL-32 Acknowledgment of receipt of Notice of Re-determination of NOD 16
11/28/2007      2007-HICIL-32 Notice of Disputed Claim
      2007-HICIL-32 Objection to Notice of Re-determination of NOD 16.
11/28/2007      2007-HICIL-29 Withdrawal by Attorney Hunt
      2005-HICIL-14 Vernay CIC's Request for an Evidentiary Hearing in Connection with the Vernay Claim Dispute UNDER SEAL UNDER SEAL
      2005-HICIL-14 Vernay Exhibits 6-10 UNDER SEAL UNDER SEAL
      2005-HICIL-14 Vernay Exhibits 1-5 UNDER SEAL UNDER SEAL
11/20/2007      2007-HICIL-30 Scheduling Notice
11/20/2007      2007-HICIL-31 Scheduling Notice
11/19/2007      2007-HICIL-31 Claimant's submission
11/07/2007      2005-HICIL-14 Sceduling Conference Order on PECO and Vernay
11/05/2007      2007-HICIL-31 Notice of Appearance on behalf of the Liquidator
11/01/2007      2005-HICIL-14 Ruling on Liquidator's Motion to Stay CIC's Claim Pending Resolution of CIC's Litigation with Corning and to deny setoff in the interim UNDER SEAL
11/01/2007      2007-HICIL-14 Scheduling Conference
10/26/2007      2007-HICIL-29 Ruling on QBE's Request for Withdrawal or Dismissal
10/23/2007      2007-HICIL-14 Referee's Ruling re: PECO
10/23/2007      2007-HICIL-14 Referee's Ruling regarding Vernay
10/23/2007      2007-HICIL-29 Notice of change of address
10/23/2007      2007-HICIL-18 & 21 Notice of change of address
10/23/2007      2007-HICIL-14 Notice of change of address
10/18/2007      2007-HICIL-14 Liquidator's and CIC's Joint Request to Deem CIC's Claim Regarding PECO a Matter in a Disputed Claim Proceeding.
10/18/2007      2007-HICIL-14 Liquidator's and CIC's Joint Request to Deem CIC's Claim Regarding Vernay a Matter in a Disputed Claim Proceeding
10/16/2007      2007-HICIL-29 appearance for QBE Insurance by Attorney Lenci
10/12/2007      2007-HICIL-14 CIC's Sur-reply in Opposition to the Liquidator's Motion to Stay Corning Claim and Deny Setoff UNDER SEAL
10/11/2007      2007-HICIL-31 Objection to Denial of Claim by Sheiness, Scott, Grossman & Cohn, LLP
10/09/2007      2006-HICIL-18 & 21 CIC's Motion to Direct Winterthur Swiss Insurance Company to Comply with the June 1 Ruling and for Sanctions, with Exhibits 1-17. UNDER SEAL
10/05/2007      2007-HICIL-14 Liquidator's reply to CIC's opposition to the Liquidator's motion to stay CIC's Corning claim UNDER SEAL
09/27/2007      2007-HICIL-14 CIC's Opposition to the Liquidator's Motion to Stay CIC's Claim Pending Resolution of CIC's Litigation with Corning and to Deny Setoff in the Interim, with Exhibits A-G. Filed Under Seal
09/17/2007      2007-HICIL-14 Liquidator's Motion to Stay CIC's Claim Pending Resolution of CIC's Litigation with Corning and to Deny Setoff in the Interim, and (2) the Exhibits to the Liquidator's Motion re Corning UNDER SEAL
09/07/2007      2007-HICIL- 29 Liquidator's Response to QBE's Submission regarding its Ericsson Claim Filed with affidavit of Russell Bogin
08/31/2007      2007-HICIL-14 Referees Ruling On Setoff Issues UNDER SEAL
08/08/2007      2007-HICIL-29 QBE's Section 15 Written Submission
08/08/2007      2007-HICIL-29 Exhibits To QBE's Section 15 Written Submission
07/31/2007      2007-HICIL-30 Claimant's Request To Receive Paper Notices
07/25/2007      2007-HICIL-30 Appearance filed by Attorney Rosen and Attorney Kober on behalf of The Home Insurance Company in Liquidation
07/18/2007      2007-HICIL-30 Notice Of Disputed Claim
07/12/2007      2007-HICIL-30 Claimant's Objection
07/10/2007      2007-HICIL-29 Scheduling Order
07/02/2007      2005-HICIL-14 Liquidator's Response to CIC's Submission Regarding Setoff of Reinsurer Subrogee Claims, and Liquidator's Exhibits FILED UNDER SEAL
06/25/2007      2005-HICIL-14 Century Indemnity Company's Submission Regarding Subrogation Issue Together With Exhibits A-I( Under Seal) UNDER SEAL
06/19/2007      2005-HICIL-14 Referee's Ruling On Liquidator's Filing Regarding Legal Fee UNDER SEAL
06/08/2007      2005-HICIL-14 Subrogation Issue (Parties Stipulation of Agreed Facts) UNDER SEAL
06/04/2007      2007-HICIL-29 SCHEDULING NOTICE
06/01/2007      2006-HICIL-18, 2006-HICIL-21 Referee Ruling On Century Indemnity Company's Account of Costs [UNDER SEAL] [UNDER SEAL]
06/01/2007      2006-HICIL-25 Referee's Request For Judgment To Be Entered
06/01/2007      2006-HICIL-28 Referee's Request For Judgment To Be Entered
06/01/2007      2006-HICIL-26 REFEREE'S RULING
06/01/2007      2005-HICIL-14 REFEREE'S RULING
06/01/2007      2005-HICIL-14 Referee's Ruling on Motion to Withdraw
06/01/2007      2005-HICIL-14 Revised Referee's Ruling
06/01/2007      2005-HICIL-14 Scheduling Notice
05/29/2007      2006-HICIL-23 Referee's Request For Judgment To Be Entered
05/29/2007      2005-HICIL-7 Referee's Request For Judgment To Be Entered
05/29/2007      2005-HICIL-14 Scheduling Notice
05/24/2007      2005-HICIL-14 Referee's Ruling [FILED UNDER SEAL]
05/17/2007      2005-HICIL-14 Liquidator's Filing Regarding Legal Fees Associated With Motion For Sanctions (Under Seal) and is pursuant to the May 10, 2007 Referee's Ruling ( Under Seal)
05/10/2007      2005-HICIL-14 Referee's Ruling
05/10/2007      2005-HICIL-14 Referee's Ruling on Liquidator's Motion for Sanctions (Aqua Chem n/k/a/Cleaver Brooks) [UNDER SEAL]
05/02/2007      2005-HICIL-14 Joint Request to Deem CIC's Claims as Reinsurer Subrogee a Matter in a Disputed Claim Proceeding
04/24/2007      2005-HICIL-14 Century Indemnity Company's Assented-to Motion to Withdraw Cleaver-Brooks Claim (f/k/a Aqua Chem)
04/04/2007      2006-HICIL-28 Referee's Ruling
03/30/2007      2006-HICIL-18 & 2006-HICIL-21 Century Indemnity Company's Accounting of Costs [FILED IN CAMERA]
      Affidavit of Kathleen E. Schaaf in Support of Century Indemnity Copany's Accounting of Costs
03/30/2007      2007-HICIL-29 Notice of Disputed Claim
      Objection of QBE Insurance Ltd.
      Exhibit A
      Exhibit B
      Exhibit C
      Exhibit D
      Exhibit E
      Exhibit F
      Exhibit G
      Exhibit H
      Exhibit I
      Exhibit J
      Exhibit K
      Exhibit L
      Exhibit M
      Exhibit N
      Exhibit O
      Exhibit P
      Affidavit of Vivienne Webster
03/29/2007      2005-HICIL-14 Liquidator's Motion to Supplement Record with Settlement that (1) Precludes CIC's Claim and (2) Moots the Dispute Over the Effect of the Liquidator's Septmeber 11, 2006 Letter [FILED UNDER SEAL]
      Exhibit A (Settlement Agreement)
03/14/2007      2005-HICIL-7 Referee's Ruling
03/13/2007      2006-HICIL-28 Scheduling Notice
03/12/2007      2005-HICIL-7 Motion to Withdraw Claims
03/02/2007      2006-HICIL-28 Referee's Ruling on Request to Participate Via Telephone Conference
03/01/2007      2006-HICIL-18 & 2006-HICIL-21 Referee Ruling on Award of Costs
02/23/2007      2006-HICIL-28 Request to Participate Via Telephone Conference
02/23/2007      2005-HICIL-14 Scheduling Notice [Aqua Chem n/k/a Cleaver Brooks]
02/23/2007      2005-HICIL-14 Scheduling Notice [Mine Safety Appliances]
02/15/2007      2006-HICIL-26 Referee's Ruling on Joint Progess Report
02/08/2007      2005-HICIL-14 Scheduling Notice [Aqua Chem n/k/a Cleaver Brooks]
02/08/2007      2005-HICIL-14 Scheduling Notice [Mine Safety Appliances]
02/05/2007      2006-HICIL-26 Joint Report
02/05/2007      2005-HICIL-14 Liquidator's Response to CIC's Submission Regarding Its Cleaver-Brooks Claim [FILED UNDER SEAL]
02/01/2007      2005-HICIL-14 Scheduling Notice
01/26/2007      2005-HICIL-14 Century Indemnity Company's Sur-Reply in Further Opposition to the Liquidator's Motion to Stay the MSA Claim and Deny Offset [FILED UNDER SEAL]
01/26/2007      2005-HICIL-14 Century Indemnity Company's Sur-Reply to Liquidator's Motion for Sanctions [FILED UNDER SEAL]
01/26/2007      2006-HICIL-26 Structuring Conference Order
01/24/2007      2005-HICIL-14 Referee Ruling on Liquidator's Request for Declassification of Documents
01/23/2007      2006-HICIL-28 Scheduling Notice
01/22/2007      2005-HICIL-14 Liquidator's Reply to CIC's Opposition to Motion to Stay CIC's MSA Claim and To Deny Offset in the Interim (with Exhibits) [FILED UNDER SEAL]
01/22/2007      2005-HICIL-14 Liquidator's Reply in Support of Motion for Sanctions and Objection to Cross-Motion for Attorneys' Fees (with Exhibit A) [FILED UNDER SEAL]
01/16/2007      2006-HICIL-18 & 2006-HICIL-21 Referee's Ruling
01/12/2007      2005-HICIL-14 Century Indemnity Company's Opposition to Liquidator's Motion for Sanctions and Cross-Motion for Attorneys Fees [with Exhibits] [FILED UNDER SEAL]
01/12/2007      2005-HICIL-14 Century Indemnity Company's Opposition to the Liquidator's Motion to Stay MSA Claim and Deny Offset [with Exhibits] [FILED UNDER SEAL]
01/12/2007      2005-HICIL-14 Joint Report [Filed UNDER SEAL]
01/04/2007      2005-HICIL-14 Century Indemnity Company's Submission in Support of Its Cleaver-Brooks Claim [with Affidavit of Paul Kalish and Exhibits 1-13] [FILED UNDER SEAL]
01/04/2007      2006-HICIL-23 Liquidator's Response to Referee Ruling
01/03/2007      2006-HICIL-26 Referee's Ruling
01/03/2007      2006-HICIL-26 Request for Adjournment and for Participation Via Teleconference
01/03/2007      2006-HICIL-23 Referee Ruling
01/03/2007      2006-HICIL-25 Referee Ruling
01/02/2007      2006-HICIL-27 Referee's Ruling